Hello, my fellow bloggers, my good sirs and fair ladies! Happy New Year! I hope you all had a FANTASTIC Christmas and an even better New Year's! It is officially 2012. It sounds a bit frightening and futuristic considering the fact that it seems like it was yesterday when they were making the movie "2012". Yes, that one. With John Cusack. Ugh so dramatic, wasn't it?
But anyway, let's not get sidetracked, shall we? :D This week's blog is about what every one of you should have as their New Year's Resolution: giving back to your community! Yes, that means actually getting up and helping your peers, animals, the city, your neighborhood, the environment, and all sorts of other things! :D It'll be good for your overall well being and it's something impressive to put on your resume for college :)

For example, I've given back to my community through cleaning the environment, helping animals in need, and under-privileged people. I was once a part of the Environment Club at FLHS (Freshman year, I believe) where we cleaned the school campuses from trash as well as empty the recycle bins. I count the first part as both cleaning the environment from pollutants and making the school a better and cleaner place for the students and teachers. Also, I attend beach clean ups and a couple of waterway/canal clean ups whenever I usually can. I am also Vice President of the Animal Rights Club at FLHS. The club is doing an supply drive for animal shelters who are desperately in need of all sorts of supplies and food. So, I am donating cans of kitty food, towels, and big sweaters to the pets and animals who are freezing to death sleeping on the cold concrete. :( Yes, 'tis sad.
BUT... on a more positive note, I have also helped under-privileged families by participating in a food drive for families who couldn't afford to eat on Thanksgiving. It ended up being successful. I am planning on going to a pet shelter this weekend, as well as another beach clean up (for National Honor Society). Other ways I am planning to help the community are by donating more clothes, volunteering at a soup kitchen, giving money to charity, and volunteering at a senior home. I am planning to do that last one during the summer hopefully. :)
Well that is pretty much it! Thank you for reading this week's blog and stay tuned for next week's! I hope you're all doing your part and giving back to the community! You can get so many benefits from it! By doing good for others and the community, it provides you with a natural sense of accomplishment and a healthy BOOST of LIFE satisfaction. :D
So, volunteer and do good, young grasshoppers.
I'm out. Stay AWESOME.