Sunday, April 15, 2012

Capitalism FTW.

Oh boy CAPITALISM. It had to come to this.
All of those who do not know what capitalism is you've came to the right spot.
"Capitalism is generally considered by scholars to be an economic system that includes private ownership of the means of production creation of goods or services for profit or+ income the accumulation of capital competitive markets, voluntary exchange, and wage labor." Wikipedia is so simple at explaining things -_-
This is what capitalism basically means in simple terms: An economic system where things can be bought (such as property or products) by an individual or a group of people, not by the government. This also includes that people can work for money in order to buy things they need such as food. Sounds good right? Well there are some negative things about it.
 Let’s go over the pro’s and con’s, shall we?
Some of the positive things include that it creates competition in the country. It encourages people to work very hard to achieve wealth and prestige. I mean, face it, it’s the only modern economic system that is successful. It provides endless opportunities for all and the individual is in charge of their own life and what they can buy and how much money they could be paid according to how hard they work and etc etc.
Although it is proven to be successful, it is also proven to be terribly unfair. What about those people who weren’t fortunate enough to have parents who did not teach them how to succeed or encourage them to attend school? Capitalism does not provide a safety net for that; it just says “Too bad, fix it yourself” and holds you accountable for your life decisions.

I like capitalism. Even though it is unfair, it is the only thing that works. You’re on your own; work hard, get a good job, and live your life the way you want it. Thanks for reading! Do YOU like capitalism? If so, are your reasons similar to mine? Please leave a comment below! Stay tuned for next week’s blog, you happy bloggers! 


  1. Capitalsm FTW indeed. It's definitely not unfair, though. Survival of the fittest! :D

  2. I Agree, Capitalism is so amazing!!!

  3. Your arguments against it are kind of lacking. I agree that it is a good idea overall, but the downfall comes into play when middle class tries to join the high class. Capitalism does not account for that. It rather makes it impossible for the middle class to even remotely reach that high level. Because 1% will ALWAYS stay the 1% under Capitalism, that creates a disadvantage to those that are working their way up from the lowest of the low. And even those would still almost never reach the 1%. It works great to increase the middle class but at the same time it helps the 1% too much. A way to fix this is to integrate the system with more government regulated sales that are more affordable than those provided by the 1% and by increasing taxation on them as well.
