Let's take a second here and laugh at look at Britain. :D The stereotypes are....endless!
(But before I begin, I feel that I should mention that the thing about stereotypes is that it does not apply to every person in that country. So if you are in fact British, so sorry if this offends you.)
The British are always known for having a reputation of being extremely, over-the-top proper with everything that they do. Sure, being proper and sophisticated is always a plus but it also has a negative side. In this case, it portrays the Brits of being stuck up and snobbish. They've always been known for having a gray personality.. When I say 'gray', I mean the opposite of outgoing; they're un-emotional most of the time.
Englishmen are the easiest to make fun of. They have a reputation of being self-conceited and the joke is that they often have an occupation as being an aviator, sailor, nanny, military commander, colonial, gardener, butler, servant, or just someone from an upper class. They happen to get prettyyyy violent and crazy over some football game and speak in drunken 'Cockney' accents.
Aaaah, now speaking of accents.... you already know this next part. The famous BRITISH ACCENT that everybody loves to imitate and/or make fun of. So why do we find this accent interesting? Well let's think about it. It makes you sound more proper, witty, and sophisticated, correct? It's the reason why it's used in movies and plays. I find it pretty amusing how some characters in famous dramas have a British accent even if the setting has nothing to do with England.
Now let's bring on the British looks! If you could picture a Briton (yes, that is what they're called) in your head, what would you see? An Englishman dressed in a black suit, a top hat, with a case of bad teeth, and perhaps sipping tea with the Queen?? Oh my god, same here! Haha Americans have made it seem like that's all they do. Drink tea and say Cockney slang phrases such as "Pip pip Cheerio", "Hello chaps", or "I say!"
But all jokes and stereotypes aside, I have a high respect for the British. I have a couple of friends that are British, a teacher in this school, and also my boyfriend. (Half-British... it still counts.) :D
Thank you for reading this week's blog and have an AWESOME DAY, guys!! :)