Wow what an awesome song. This has to be song that most frequently comes to my head. There's a reason for it but I just can't seem to think of it right now.
SO! To start talking about what you all came to this blog for, let's begin! :D
I'd really love to share my personal experiences with that but I just can't think of a time I was pressured into doing drugs or trying alcohol.
But what I can share is that I was pressured by society many times to change my appearance and voice/accent. When I first came to America when I was 8 years old, I had to start learning English. It wasn't easy and not everyone knew that. Kids in elementary school teased me about my accent and the way I dressed. Yes, I had a pretty thick accent. Who doesn't? When you first come into a country without knowing the language, your first couple of months of speaking that language wouldn't be the best. It's already a given that you'd stand out and look like and sound like a foreigner. But moving on. My point is that society pressured me to change the way I look. I began to learn the students' American slang and adopt the American norms. Then I changed from wearing Bulgaria's trends to America's fashion trends.
Well anyway, moving past the point that I just revealed the teachers' secret meetings, parents also put pressure on the students. Most of them just don't understand what it's like to have so much school work, do extra curricular activities, do service hours, have a social life, and get a full night's sleep. It's just too much and most parents freak out over having a B or a C on your report card. "You can always do better; you're not trying your hardest; I bet that if I ground you, you'd do better! Yeah, that's what I'll do! That'll show you!" Yeah, that sounds familiar to me. It pressures students even more. And that is my perfect example because it describes my life. Parents will be parents.
Please leave your comments if you agree or disagree with what I said about pressure and feel free to share your experiences or if you've ever been pressured by school work or parents. Thanks guys for reading this week's blog! Have an AWESOME DAY!
BUT FIRST, hear this awesome song that I was talking about:
I hate when people bully us due to the accent. We all adopt to the " norm" and change from what we before. And I do think teachers goes to that cave (: and don't get me started in the parents! Good blog(:
ReplyDeleteI agree with everything because I feel the pressure also things are getting stressful and parents don't always understand.
ReplyDeleteSchool pressure is defiantly a huge problem, even for us... Sometimes the work load is just too much. I really like your blog.
ReplyDeleteWooow. We've been around each other for too long because I have the same title... And the same song came to mind. Aside from that, I think we do get pressured a lot :(. I don't like making mynmom sad.
ReplyDeleteTutututudum! That song is amazing. I understand pressure leads to stress, but sometimes pressure leads to getting work done. I like the life story, i know partially how you feel. :)
ReplyDeleteLol Tajin stole your song. You wrote a lot more than most of us! I like how you included your own personal example of coming to America. That's a good one.