Saturday, February 4, 2012

Romney won! Yay???

So, I'm not much of a politics person and I don't follow it much except when it becomes very important and Obama has to do with it, but I decided to look up our state's republican primary.
LOL at the lady in the back
To catch you up, the other in the running were Newt  Gingrich,  Rick Santorum, and Ron Paul in the order with the most votes. Of course, we all know (from the internet, news, or my blog title) that Mitt Romney won the election. He actually had 47 percent of the vote. But do we actually know him? Was he the right choice afterall? Well, let's find out. First, he attacked Barack Obama's policies and ways of running the country claiming he could do it better. Yep, it's all true folks. He said and I quote, 
"Mr. President, you were elected to lead, you chose to follow, and now it's time to get out of the way."
Quite confident, isn't he? Not to mention those harsh advertisements and commercials.
Also, right after winning, he got a lot of criticism (as he rightfully should) when he seemed he didn't care for America's lower class. Romney, part of the wealthy upper-class, was interviewed on CNN about his win over voters struggling with the economic downturn and high unemployment. His answers were primarily on the focus of the middle class and he seemed not the least bit concerned about the poor Americans.

Florida, did we pick the right choice?
Give me your opinion on the matter in the comment section below. Thanks and tune in for next week's blog! :D


  1. That lady is amazing! I actually liked how you added your opinions on this topic, which I noticed a lot of people (myself included) avoided.

  2. I liked how informative this was and yes.... the lady in the back is amazing lol great blog :)

  3. No we didn't, as my 5th grade teacher says *don't give me fluff give me real stuff*, and Romney is made up of fluff

  4. Lml at the swaggology of sociology hehe:) give us the real stuff! not some marshmallow fluff! good job denista! you were very informative.
